22 March 2013

Tempeh Hummus Wraps

I remember I made these for my brother, Sean when he was about 10 years old, and from that point on, he always asked for them...great kid food! You can even turn it into a quesadilla by lighly browning the wrap with slices of vegan mozzarella folded into it first....

1 package of organic tempeh sliced thinly
1 Tbsp. (+/-) Refined coconut oil or grapeseed oil (no olive oil as it is not a high heat cooking oil and becomes rancid)
Pinch of Salt (Celtic Sea salt or Hawaiiain Sea Salt are two of my faves)
1 spelt wrap or tortilla or your choice
Hummus either your favorite store bought or homemade
Tahini dressing (see recipe below)
Sliced Tomatoes
Mixed Greens
Generous portion of Alfalfa or home grown mung bean sprouts
Sri Racha hot sauce (optional)

Saute the tempeh in a small amount of oil, until it is lightly browned on both sides (be sure to carefully flip each piece so both sides have a crispy texture) Add a bit of sea salt to season the tempeh, set aside and let drain on a plate covered with a paper towel.
Place a wrap on a plate and spread hummus over the middle of the wrap.
Arrange the tempeh over the hummus in a way that you can roll the wrap up neatly.
Next layer the mixed greens, tomatoes, and sprouts.
Then pour tahini dressing over (you decide how much)
Maybe a little Sri Racha too if you like spice.
Roll it up, enjoy!
If you wish to prepare the night before to bring as a lunch, leave the mixed greens, tomatoes, and sprouts out of the wrap, and bring them in a separate bag the add to the wrap just before eating. Yum!

Tahini Lemon Dressing

1 cup of Tahini
1 small lemon juiced
1 clove garlic
1 tsp. Bragg's Liquid Amino's
1/2 handful of basil (opt.)
water if neccessary to thin out texture (start with just a pinch and add more as you go along, be careful not to add too much....)

Blend all ingredients until the dressing is thick and creamy, yet pourable.

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