Yoga Offerings

Transformational Flow: Dynamic, breath based Vinyasa Flow practice. This practice emphasizes intelligent wave sequencing and moves towards a culmination of actions, known as a 'peak pose'.
Signature style classes that concentrate on movement with breath to cultivate a meditative inner awareness. Physical alignment, breathing exercises, meditation, devotion, and practice as an offering are at the heart of this practice.

Dharma Yoga: Hatha Raja Yoga in the tradition of Yogi Sri Dharma Mittra. Dharma moved to NYC from Brazil 1964 to study with Yogi Gupta. He quickly became his most devoted student and eventually, a celebrated yoga teacher at his guru's ashram.
 In 1975, he opened Dharma Yoga Center, where to this day, he still teaches ongoingly. Dharma Yoga is based on Dharma Mittra's 55+ years of yoga experience and teachings and a life time devoted to serving the Divine purpose. 
A typical class includes, asana (postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), mantra (chanting), mudra (seals), bandha (energetic locks), dhyana (meditation) and bhakti yoga (yoga of devotional love, it involves offering the fruits of all action to the Divine). 

Therapeutic Private Lessons: Done in a one on one setting, a therapeutic private lesson is catered to your specific therapeutic needs.Therapeutic Yoga can help remedy ailments such as low back pain, neck pain, insomnia, sinus issues, menstrual disfunction, and anxiety, to name a few. Active and restorative postures, props, breathing exercises, hands-on adjustments, and deep relaxation are applied intuitively to facilitate deep healing on a cellular level. For inquiries, e-mail:

Advancing Your Practice Private Lessons: Done in a one on one setting. This lesson is designed to help deepen your practice, including how to master inversions, arm balances, backbends, transitions, pranayama, bandhas, and assist in establishing a home practice. There is an emphasis of using the physical practice as a tool to guide the aspirant into the more esoteric and spiritual elements of yoga. Appropriate for any level practitioner. For inquiries, e-mail: 

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