19 November 2013

The Art of Stillness

The art of stillness within

I have become aware of my impatience with the process of life over the years. I have realized, within my behavior and way of carrying myself in the world, I have been conditioned, or rather conditioned myself, to need to possess all that is beautiful as my own, to control and "manage" my destiny in ways that are co-dependent and dysfunctional time and time again. Ironically, I have masked this with a consistent yoga practice, lifestyle, and professional life which keep me constantly aware of the present moment at hand in a beautiful way.
 Although this is excellent, when I sit in stillness I feel an overwhelming sadness wash over me, and the mind spirals into corners that can bring me to my knees if I let it. Years ago my Reiki teacher Judy Theiss told me that I would always have a challenging life if I kept running from the issues at hand through various partners, travelling, and sensory indulgent experiences. She told me to, "Stop running away," and "be within my center." I took it deeply to heart, (but did not follow it right away) noting that she was asking me to stay still to process my emotional backlog, as I had just told her that I was heading out on a journey a week from the day far South for as long as I could stay gone.
 Her advice to not run away echoed in my mind as I departed, and I allowed it to simmer in my thoughts for YEARS, no shit, it still echoes. I even forced myself to live in situations that were acutely dangerous for the sake of sitting within my own life and digesting it, not running away, but rather "processing" it as she taught me. Albeit rather extremist to do so. Being told to stop running away by such an enlightened being was by far the single most powerful piece of advice I have received in this lifetime. She was asking me, in a very subtle and profound way, even through the journey, to find and be within stillness, even as the world moved around me. I realized she was not telling me to never go anywhere in my life, but to remain within my center wherever life took me, and move from that stillness. Much like the idea of Samsara, that the wheel spins around and around, but at the center stillness always abides.
 Often times it is seemingly easier to move in the world in a way that is far from center, rather influenced by societal and genetic conditioning. But what exactly was I running away from? I certainly had heard the concept of being "centered," but had no real tangible affirmation of it within myself.
           I occasionally get glimpses of the true nature of reality, but that is beyond words most of the time. More often than not, I feel as if I'm "faking it til I make it," adhering to what I believe is true north for me and also sharing compassion and love with all living beings, as much as I am capable of. You know the holy type, scooping the cockroaches with two pieces of paper and putting them outside, naming the spiders that built their webs in the corner of my porch....not cooking out of pans if meat had touched them ever, offering all of my food to wooden dieties before even tasting it, staying in relationships long past their expiration date b/c I didn't know what to do next or didn't want to hurt that person even though it hurt me more to be with them....doing too many back bends…waking at 4 a.m. every morning to do yoga before I taught all day into the evening (can you imagine how moody I was by the end of the day, I can barely open my eyes before 8 a.m., which is not advisable if practicing ahimsa, nonviolence, is a priority).I could go on and on about the many ways I have thought I was processing my emotions and life and intentions. It is pretty amazing to observe what lengths we will go to, to find a glimmer of enlightenment, or hope...
Something has shifted lately within me though. Suddenly mastering yoga poses does not seem as important as sitting in where I am within them and observing my mind... Somehow within this paradigm I have been "practicing" for the past several years I have made progress, but have an overriding feeling of emptiness and delusion when I sit in stillness to meditate, as all the "stuff" I have run away from arises in my thought stream. My teacher Heather calls it spiritual bypass, where through a few affirmations, a "spiritual practice", some external acoutraments (maybe some fancy yoga pants, feather earrings, the right mala around the wrist....), and countless distractions, one never ventures below the surface…they only take life at face value, oftentimes seeing a division within what is good and bad rather than accepting all experiences as valid, truth revealing unfolding experiences of life as we know it.
 Seeing a division between good and bad, you and me, us and them, is known as dvaita, or duality. When we see ourselves as separate from the whole, we create a sense of disconnection from the vital life force that is always available to us, within us. When one is living in separation, as in thinking they only need themselves to survive, it is quite easy to see others suffer and continue to enjoy life all the while, they could pass by a hungry child with bags of food and not even drop a dime, or a banana.
On the other hand, when one has had a taste of the oneness we all are, how much we need each other in this life, one who has immersed within the inter-connectedness of all beings…. When the compassionate one is faced with a similar scenario, he cannot so easily pass on the hungry child in the street. As stated in the Bhagavad Gita, "Him I hold to be the Supreme Yogi, Arjuna, who looks on the pleasure and pain of all beings as he looks on them in himself." The concept on advaita, or non-duality reminds us that all living beings and matter are interconnected. God is not some cloud in the sky, God is within the hearts of all. We consist of the same essential nature. That nature is pure divinity.
    As I begin to cultivate unconditional love within myself, I care more about others. I have learned it is so important to love people not only in the entry into your life, be it friend, beggar, lover, challenging friend, animal, but also in their exit from your life, or transition of roles, for example, lover to friend, or teacher to student, to student evolving beyond the teacher and teaching the teacher..... Instead of reactivity, where I venture far from my center and run away from myself, essentially, it is easier to be still and respond to life and others when sitting within my center. Why? Because life is effortless if you live in Love.
I realized at some point in my own misery, what I was running away from all this time was the brilliance of my own heart. I have realized, the art of not running away, or being within my stillness as I prefer to call it, is sitting within one's own center, one's heart center.... "For the mind, O Krishna, is restless, turbulent, powerful, and obstinate. To control it, is as hard, it seems to me, as to control the wind." Bhagavad Gita. I get asked all the time by students, how to calm the mind, how to control the mind from wandering late into the night? It is quite simple, breathe into the heart center. Feel your electromagnetic field emanating from the Supreme Self within you. Radiate it outwardly. Let the mental dialogue play itself out, witness it from a place of unconditional love. Sure, by deeply feeling your heart, you will also become aware of the emotional back log as it unfurls in the mind as grief, anger, depression, guilt, fear, but from a place of watchful compassion, witness it.
 It is the mind that wants to run away, but remember the mind is a tool to be used in accordance with the higher prajna, or radiant wisdom that arises through steady awareness.  The mind is simply a mechanism to help you function, the heart, and the citta, consciousness contain this higher  intelligence. To sit in stillness the heart must be in the driver's seat, not the mind. If you let the mind run the show your thoughts will drive you to madness. You'll wake up halfway around the world with the same problems. You'll meet people to play the exact same characters that you ran away from in the first place.

 If you empty the mind enough, and sit with all of the chatter, allowing yourself to be fully in the process, from the seat of the Self within the heart, eventually the dialog and emotions that create that dialogue, will play themselves out. You will be left with utter stillness. Something that can never ever come from outside of yourself until you realize that nothing is outside of you. When you calm the thoughts, what is left is the residual emotions behind them, as you release the residual emotions, what remains is stillness. The heart contains/is the Self, which is also known as the internal witness, or the atma, soul. The heart IS unconditional love, willing to stand beside you in all of the variety of experiences you are capable of in this incarnation. So much so that it will reliably beat every moment that you are alive. When you realize this same internal witness is within all living beings, you realize All is one. Once you have had a taste of this stillness and oneness within your own heart, it will instantly be felt by others. So much so, that your presence alone will facilitate others dropping from the mind into the heart. Be a light unto yourself first. Stoke the fire of your own heart by unconditionally loving yourself and others. Stay still when things get intense, you are strong enough to weather any storm, that is why you are here.  To be within the question of life. To fall in love with the Great Mystery. When you ignite the heart fire remember, this is a light that does not burn out, but only illuminates countless other flames....In Love.

07 November 2013

Journey for the Journey...My life on and off the road.

Tales from the Path. Journeys into the unknown with the sole purpose of knowing oneself deeper. These writings are not for the faint of heart, so please shelter yourself if you are not ready. As I have walked in my body, in this beautiful life, although tragically so at times, I have journeyed. I am from a concrete jungle...a polluted, wretched, beautiful concrete jungle where landfills sit the size of pyramids opposite ancient mounds. Atop these ancient mounds the indiginistas (b/c they came up from Mexico) made human sacrifices much like the Aztec, blood being their holy sacrament, they built a mound to touch the clouds just to get a little closer to God, to show him, look at what we are offering you......funny how modern man mirrors this with their skyscrapers...look at what we are offering you dear lord...corruption, disconnection, rubbish, as they say in a land I once knew.....pure Fuckrie! But truly, the metaphor never escapes me. Each time I come home, I see the mounds, I see the landfill and realize in this modern world, at least in this country, although I truly believe it has stretched far beyond, we have been conditioned, or more accurately, brainwashed into worshiping that which is easily thrown away. Look Lord at what we are offering you.......
    I am a rebel at heart, this is unchangeable. My true awakening began one night on a crazy acid trip in Central Missouri. 17. So young, I bought all of my clothes from goodwill, cut them up , then pieced them back together like a puzzle. I enjoyed going to art shows with my model friend, swilling vino and as my usual self at that time, causing a stir, pissing someone off (usually uptight American college age male), and then running out laughing my ass off, tripping over my heels and winking at the door man.... Enblazoned (is that a word?) friends behind me wondering how this girl act so crazy...I realize now, it was my desire to step out of the oppression. It was my desire to run free. To let the breeze blow my hair into tiny dreads and not be bothered to brush it. To stare at the stars all night long on the beach with a lover and feel the breeze cool, but stay anyway b/c hey, we are alive, Give thanks for the breeze! Yes this is how this journey began. This is what propels it still. The deep inner longing to trod deep within the mountains just to sit silently with the tree dwellers and hear their songs. The need to walk so far that the soles of my shoes burn out with holes, and yet I'm still ready to walk some more in my bare feet..... The internal prayer that occurs when one swims in the ocean for hours on end, no fear, just bliss. The desire to sit at the feet of enlightened ones and surrender this worldly illusion.....to drop the rat race.... Immersion. Oneness. Culture. All of this...Joy is what matters to me in this lifetime. This is what spurred this journey. It is no longer separate trips to me, but one journey. I have been journeying now for 11 years on the road. Yes I settle at times, but in my heart of hearts, I am always a wanderer. This is the difference between a tourist and a traveller. A tourist goes for a week, takes a lot of photos, goes to the local trappings in the guide book, and then goes home. Back to hell. A traveller...ah the bliss, a traveller goes for the sake of going. There is no coming back. Only movement, eternally in the flow. No need for a five year plan. As I say, Five year plan, how about five minute plan? How will we know, five minutes from now, you and I could slip into the unknown again. Leaving these beautiful bodies in our chair, as our soul rises above...or is it that we just merge and expand in every direction? To contemplate death is almost unfathomable, and in me, it invokes the urge to be in the great mystery as much as possible in this life. What else do we truly have but this moment? This is what has spurred this journey. I have seen many exit the Earth this year, and I can tell you , this is what has spurred this writing. Yes JAH this is what has spurred this fucking beautiful journey. The great wino Jack Kerouac also helped at bit.
       Yes sweet 17. Rosy plump cheeks, hoop earrings and a big stick of sensimillia. I do not remember how I found the writings of Jack Kerouac, this is perhaps b/c his books found me. On the Road...a crazy book about his real life hitch hikings and train catching across the United States, back when it was still the United States, not the land of oppression and the home of depression.....his crazy adventures of feeling the breeze and sitting with it rather than running back to the comforts of 4 walls, a flushing toilet, missionary style and all those things. When I think back on his books, and his passion for life, and love, and living, tears hang on the brim of my eyelids, and I feel the beat of the open road in my heart. Why? I know why...I remember my journey. The one I shall tell you.